Workshop From
geometry to numerics
IHP, Paris, 20-24
November 2006
José Luis
Jaramillo (Inst.
Astrofisica de Andalucia, Granada, Spain)
Trapping horizons in constrained
evolutions of excised black holes
Starting from the 3+1
description of a Dynamical Horizon, i.e. a world-tube of marginally
outer trapped surfaces of increasing area, we discuss a set of boundary
conditions caracterizing a space-like sphere as a slice of a Trapping
Horizon. These boundary conditions are particularly useful when
numerically evolving black holes with a constrained scheme implementing
an excision technique, namely with the excised surface coinciding with
the black hole (apparent) horizon. Special attention is devoted to the
relation between the geometrical choice of dynamical horizon through a
given marginally trapped surface, on the one hand, and the choice of
spacetime slicing, on the other hand, by means of the the existence and
uniqueness theorems for dynamical/trapping horizons.
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