- Géométrie et physique des trous noirs (en Anglais)
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- Introduction à la relativité générale
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- Introduction à l'hydrodynamique relativiste (en Anglais)
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- Formalisme 3+1 et bases de la relativité numérique (en Anglais)
- Construction des données initiales pour la relativité numérique (en Anglais)
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- Introduction à la théorie des étoiles relativistes en rotation (en Anglais)
Travaux récents (depuis 2016)
Tous ces travaux sont effectués en colloboration avec des
collègues et amis
Géometrie différentielle avec SageMath
Trous noirs et ondes gravitationnelles:
- Peeling at extreme black hole horizons, preprint (2025)
- GYOTO 2.0: a polarized relativistic ray-tracing code,
Classical and Quantum Gravity 41, 095010 (2024)
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- High precision numerical sequences of rotating hairy black holes,
Physical Review D 107, 084047 (2023)
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- Equatorial orbits and imaging of hairy cubic Galileon black holes,
Physical Review D 104, 124034 (2021)
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- Geometric modeling of M87* as a Kerr black hole or a non-Kerr compact object,
Astronomy and Astrophysics 646, A37 (2021)
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- A Galactic centre gravitational-wave Messenger,
Scientific Reports 10, 7054 (2020)
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- Hairy rotating black holes in cubic Galileon theory,
Classical and Quantum Gravity 37, 035007 (2020)
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- Gravitational waves from bodies orbiting the Galactic Center black hole and their detectability by LISA, Astronomy and Astrophysics 627, A92 (2019)
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- Imaging a non-singular rotating black hole at the center of the Galaxy,
Classical and Quantum Gravity 35, 115009 (2018)
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- Astrophysical imaging of Kerr black holes with scalar hair,
Physical Review D 94, 084045 (2016)
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Trous noirs en dimension 5 et principe holographique
- Heavy quarks in rotating plasma via holography,
Nuclear Physics B 979, 115786 (2022)
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- Holographic drag force in 5d Kerr-AdS black hole,
Journal of High Energy Physics 04(2021), 169 (2021)
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- Thermalization of holographic Wilson loops in spacetimes with spatial anisotropy, Nuclear Physics B 931, 506 (2018)
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- Analytic black branes in Lifshitz-like backgrounds and thermalization,
Journal of High Energy Physics 09(2016), 142 (2016)
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Étoiles bosoniques:
- On tidal disruption of clouds and disk formation near boson stars,
Classical and Quantum Gravity 34, 225003 (2017)
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- Comparing timelike geodesics around a Kerr black hole and a boson star,
Classical and Quantum Gravity 34, 215007 (2017)
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- Imaging a boson star at the Galactic center,
Classical and Quantum Gravity 33, 105015 (2016)
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Étoiles à neutrons:
- Accurate Ray-tracing of Realistic Neutron Star Atmospheres for Constraining Their Parameters, Astrophysical Journal, 855, 116 (2018)
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Hydrodynamique et MHD relativiste:
- New code for equilibriums and quasiequilibrium initial data of compact objects. IV. Rotating relativistic stars with mixed poloidal and toroidal magnetic fields,
Physical Review D 100, 123019 (2019)
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- Conservation laws and evolution schemes in geodesic, hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic flows, Physical Review D 96, 064019 (2017)
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Travaux antérieurs (2005-2015)