Scale-covariant derivative
We can describe the elementary displacement dX as the sum of a mean, <dx+/-> = v+/- dt, and a fluctuation about this mean, dx+/-, which is then by definition of zero average: <dx+/-> = 0, i.e.:
Consider first the average displacements. The fundamental
irreversibility of the description is now apparent in the fact that the
average backward and forward velocities are in general different. So mean
forward and backward derivatives, d+/dt and d-/dt,
are defined. Once applied to the position vector x, they yield the
forward and backward mean velocities,
Concerning the fluctuations, the generalization of the fractal behavior to three dimensions writes
standing for
a fundamental parameter that characterizes the new scale law at this simple
level of description. The dx(t)'s
are of mean zero and mutually independent. If one assumes them to be also
Gaussian, our process becomes a standard Wiener process. But such an assumption
is not necessary in our theory, since only the property (2) will be used
in the calculations.
Our main tool now consists of recovering local time reversibility in terms of a new complex process (Nottale 1993a): we combine the forward and backward derivatives in terms of a complex derivative operator
which, when applied to the position vector, yields a complex velocity
The interest of such a choice is that, at the classical
limit (), The
real part V of the complex velocity
identify itself with the classical velocity, while its imaginary part,
U, vanishes. The latter is a new quantity arising from non-differentiability.
The splitting of the velocity field, v --> (V,
U), is the new essential physical behaviour, of which complex
numbers and complex product are only a representation. Another kind of
product could have been chosen, but one can show
that the complex product achieves the simplest (in other words, covariant)
Equation (2) now allows us to get a general expression
for the complex time derivative .
Consider a function f(x(t),t). Contrarily
to what happens in the differentiable case, its total derivative with respect
to time contains finite terms up to higher order (Einstein,
1905). In the special case of fractal dimension 2, only the second
order intervenes. Indeed its total differential writes
Classically the term dXi dXj / dt is infinitesimal, but here we have:
dXi dXj = dxi dxj + dxi dxj + dxi dxj + dxi dxj
Let us now take the average of (5). its average reduces to <dxi dxj>/dt, so that the last term of Eq. (5) will amount to a Laplacian thanks to Eq. (2). Then
By inserting these expressions in (3), we finally obtain the expression for the complex time derivative operator (Nottale 1993a):
The passage from classical (differentiable) mechanics
to the new nondifferentiable mechanics can now be implemented by a covariant
prescription: Replace the standard time derivative d/dt by the new
complex operator .
In other words, this means that
the role of a scale-covariant derivative (in analogy with Einstein's
general relativity where the basic tool consists of replacing
by the covariant derivative
In this replacement, one must obviously be aware of the fact that
combines first and second order derivatives, in particular concerning its
Leibniz rule (see Pissondes 1998 about developments of this point).