Working Group γ-cr-ν
Very high energy gamma rays, cosmic rays and neutrinos & hadronic AGN emission models
Presentation Meetings Members Links & Documents

Acceleration & Emission Processes at High Energies
and their Application to AGN

A two-day workshop at the Observatoire de Paris in Meudon

view of the Paris Observatory at MeudonWith this workshop we propose to have a closer look at the acceleration processes of relativistic particles in astrophysics and on the high energy emission processes at work in AGN.

The workshop will be held on the 25th and 26th of January 2010 in the Château at the Meudon site of the Observatoire de Paris.

- On the first day, the focus will be on acceleration mechanisms at very high energies and their application to AGN physics (acceleration in jets, black hole magnetosphere etc.).

- The following day will be dedicated to a discussion of high energy emission models for AGN, with a focus on hadronic emission models and the connection between VHE gamma-rays, high energy neutrinos and UHE cosmic rays.

The program and presentations can be found here.

The list of participants is given here.

Directions to the Meudon site of the Observatoire de Paris and a map of the site can be found here. (The easiest way to get to the site is to take a local train from Gare Montparnasse in Paris and to get off at Gare de Bellevue - one stop after the Gare de Meudon. From here one has to walk up to the Observatory following the wide Avenue du Château.)

Please let us know if you need help with accomodation.

There is also a possibility for interested participants to extend their stay for part or all of the week from the 25th to the 29th of January to work together in the offices of the Château, provided by the CIAS, which are available for the whole week.

The meeting is organised as a joint workshop between the Action Incitative Accélération et Magnétisme (Observatoire de Paris) and the working group gamma-cr-nu (supported by the GdR-PCHE).

Organisers: Catherine Boisson, Fabrice Mottez, Andreas Zech

Please contact Catherine ( or Andreas ( for more information.

contactA. Zech        last updated: January 27, 2010