Scientific publications
See my ORCID page, or ADS, for an exhaustive list of my work published in scientific reviews.
My scientific publications can always be found on open-access repositories such as arxiv, HAL, or Zenodo.
Below are some highlights.
- My PhD Thesis: “Simulation of pulsar magnetospheres : detailed study of some radiative mechanisms”
- This work reviews the fundamentals of pulsar electrodynamics (chapter 1 and 2), then develops on the quantum theory of synchro-curvature radiation (chapter 3) and electron-positron pair formation by collision of photons (chapter 4). The last chapter is dedicated to the development of a numerical timing model for the pulsar, following up on my master’s project.
- Testing Gravitation with pulsars [1]
I also keep a public library of FRB papers on ADS.
- Nutimo: The NUmerical TIming MOdel, was initially developed to fit the timing data from the pulsar in a triple system J0337+1715, which could not be treated with the usual timing softwares such as Tempo (1 or 2) due to the three-body relativistic interactions. It may in principle be used for any other three body system. Repository Publication
- Spider timing model for Tempo2: Implementation of of a timing model for spider pulsars (redbacks and black widows) including 1PN and quadrupolar deformation (of the companion) effects. Repository Publication
- MCMC4Tempo2: An implementation of the affine-invariant MCMC algorithm (Goodman and Wear 2010) for the timing software Tempo2. Repository Publication
Here are a few presentations representative of my activities:
- Talk, “Geometrical envelopes of fast radio bursts“, Journées Théorie du PNHE , November 2024, Paris
- Talk, “A maze in(g) FRB models“, SF2A 2021: Session Fast Radio Burst, June 2021
- Colloquium “What can the spider web tell us ? A new pulsar story.“, Astron, December 2020.
- Colloquium “Chute libre avec un pulsar dans un système triple” given at Paris Observatory for a wide scientific public, May 2020. Video here.
- Colloquium “Opening the door of the pulsar magnetosphere with the key of quantum electrodynamics: quantum synchrocurvature radiation and γγ → e+ e− pairs“, IAP, March 2019.
Here are PDFs and abstracts of these and other presentations.
I have contributed to the outreach magazine “L’Astronomie” (Astronomy) which is a magazine of reference published by the French Astronomical Society (SAF):
- “Les sursauts radios rapides (FRB) considérés comme des éruptions d’étoiles hyper-magnétisées”, L’Astronomie, Vol. 159, Avril 2022 (In-depth article)
- “Théorie de la gravitation : la relativité générale tient bon” (Theory of gravitation :
general relativity is holding up), L’Astronomie, Vol. 148, Avril 2021 (In-depth article) - “Être ou ne pas être un pulsar milliseconde” (To be or not to be a millisecond pulsar), L’Astronomie, Vol. 132, Septembre 2018 (In-depth article)
These articles can be ordered on the website of the magazine.
Interviews :
- “Guillaume Voisin et les pulsars“, 2min, by PSL, 2022
- “Sursauts radios rapides, vous écoutez Galaxie FM“, Reportage du jour, La méthode scientifique, France Culture, December 8th 2020
- “Au coeur de l’Univers – Les Pulsars“, 9min30s, for the Above Earth Channel by Cyril Plou, 2017