Coconut : General relativistic hydrodynamics code with dynamical space-time evolution. The main aim of this numerical code is the study of several astrophysical scenarios in which general relativity can play an important role, namely the collapse of rapidly rotating stellar cores and the evolution of isolated neutron stars. The code has two flavors : CoCoA, the axisymmetric (2D) magnetized version, and CoCoNuT, the 3D non-magnetized version. The CoCoA project was started by Harald Dimmelmeier at the Max-Planck Institute for Astrophysics (Garching bei München, Germany) as part of his PhD thesis. It was extended to 3D (CoCoNuT) in collaboration with Jérôme Novak from the LUTH laboratory at the Observatoire de Paris (Meudon, France). This web page is intended to be a presentation of the numerical code and its scientific results. This code is not of public domain. |
Gyoto : Provide a framework for computing orbits and ray-traced images in General relativity. It consists of a library (libgyoto), utility programs, and a plug-in for the Yorick programing language. Gyoto is known to run under Linux and Mac OS X. Please do tell us if you manage to run Gyoto under a different OS. It should compile and run with moderate effort on most UNIX-like systems |
Kadath : Blbiothèque pour la résolution des EDP de la relativité générale et de la théorie des champs, C++, parallelisé MPI, licence GPL |
Lorene : Set of C++ classes to solve various problems arising in numerical relativity, and more generally in computational astrophysics. It provides tools to solve partial differential equations by means of multi-domain spectral methods. Scientific results obtained by means of LORENE are reported here. LORENE classes implement basic structures such as arrays and matrices, but also abstract mathematical objects, such as tensors, and astrophysical objects, such as stars and black holes. Note that, as a research software, LORENE is under perpetual development |
Magrathea-pathfinder : Code de lancer de rayon par intégration des équations géodésiques au sein de grilles adaptives. Calcul des effets de distortion dans l’espace des redshifts, des effets de lentilles gravitationnelles et de l’effet Sachs-Wolfe Intégré. C++ 2011, parallélisé MPI-Pthreads |
Mpgrafic : Code de génération des conditions initiales des simulations cosmologiques, Fortran 90, paralléllsation MPI S.Prunet (IAP) et al., Développements LUTH Powergrid : Code de calcul du spectre de puissance de la distribution de matière, Fortran 90, parallélisation MPI S.Prunet (IAP) et al., Développements LUTH |
Mpi-Amrvac : MHD relativiste, transfert de rayonnement, Fortran 2003 / Perl, parallélisé MPI (run max = 4000 procs) |
PFof : Code de détection des halos cosmologiques par la méthode de percolation Friends-of-Friends et de post-traitement de toutes les (lourdes) sorties du code de simulation cosmologique, Fortran 90, parallélisation |
Ramses : Code de simulations cosmologiques avec grille adaptative, Fortran 90, parallélisation MPI R.Teyssier (UZH) et al.. Développements LUTH |
SageManifolds : implementing differential geometry and tensor calculus in the modern computer algebra system SageMath |