micaela.oertel obspm.fr
Bureau 253, batiment 18
01 45 07 75 36
Parcours et CV
- Directrice de recherche au CNRS
Thèmes de Recherche
- Objets compacts : étoiles à neutrons et supernovas gravitationnelles
- Astrophysique nucléaire
- Ondes gravitationnelles
Publications récentes
- C. Mondal et al, Detectability of a phase transition in neutron star matter with third-generation gravitational wave interferometers
- M. Branchesi et al, Science with the Einstein Telescope : a comparison of different designs
- V. Dexheimer et al, Quick Guides for Use of the CompOSE Data Base
- S. Typel et al, CompOSE Reference Manual
- A. Pascal, J. Novak, M. Oertel, Proto-neutron star evolution with improved charged-current neutrino–nucleon interactions
- A.R. Raduta, F. Nacu, M. Oertel, Equations of state for hot neutron stars
- D. Chatterjee, J. Novak, M. Oertel, Structure of ultra-magnetised neutron stars
- E. Préau, A. Pascal, J. Novak, M. Oertel, What can be learned from a proto-neutron star’s mass and radius ?
- S. Khadkikar, A.R. Raduta, M. Oertel, A. Sedrakian, Maximum mass of compact stars from gravitational wave events with finite-temperature equations of state
- A.R. Raduta, M. Oertel, A. Sedrakian, Proto-neutron stars with heavy baryons and universal relations
- M. Oertel, A. Pascal, M. Mancini, J. Novak, Improved neutrino-nucleon interactions in dense and hot matter for numerical simulations
- K. Otto, M. Oertel, B.-J. Schaefer, Hybrid and quark star matter based on a nonperturbative equation of state